Lingerie For A Sexier You

This lingerie blog will keep you up to date with the latest in the lingerie industry as well as the most fun you can have with all of our great lingerie accessories. Write us if you have any questions.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lets talk Lingerie Shoes

OK, So you have found the ultimate lingerie outfit and you are ready to wear it for the scpecial occassion and you put it on and look like a million bucks but something is missing. What is it?

9 times out of 10 women forget about shoes, or sexy lingerie items for the hands and feet as well as jewelry. The shoes can make all the difference in the world. So you have this incredible outfit and you come out barefoot! Don't do it. There are numerous items for the feet that can complete the outfit. For those that know the power of lingerie in both the owners and the spouses mind you understand how much of a role it can play in the special evening so don't do it half way. Make sure to finish the outfit with that special something for the hands and the feet.



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